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  • Sep 08, 2023 - Friday
  • Sep 09, 2023 - Saturday
  • Sep 10, 2023 - Sunday
  • Saturday, Sep 09, 2023

    Saturday morning, we headed over to a penitentiary. It's not a working one. It's an older one that was mainly popular in the early 20th century, but really cool to see a lot of history there.

    A great tour guide and we had a lot of fun taking photos and kind of getting to see the inside of well, not terribly great conditions. Hard to say if it's worse than other prisons of that time, but yeah, inmates definitely weren't treated in any special way. And if you were misbehaving, you definitely got a less than desirable experience.

    After the prison visit, we had opted to do the Botanical Gardens, and it was a quick journey to get over there since it's adjacent to the prison. And I believe prisoners even worked in the gardens, or maybe helped build them. I'm not sure what the history is there. I wandered around the botanical area. There is no real guides at that point. You just explore…and there's a lot of exploring. You can see some great art pieces, lots and lots of flowers and paths to explore, and some history of Lewis and Clark with Sacajawea. It's a wonderful place to take photos and just get back to nature. I do love gardens, especially big ones, where you just kind of almost get lost and hardly anybody was around.

    Probably since it was a little bit later in the day. Nevertheless, I got just dozens and dozens of photos. One cool thing was grass. You can see a bunch of different types of grass side by side. That's kind of a neat thing to explore. Also included: a massive vegetable garden, which I was so envious of.

    They just grew full size watermelons, and lots of corn, and tomatoes, and just everything. I think a lot of squash too, though all seemed to have been harvested. They had colorful flowers yeah many, many flowers. The whole botanical garden is just really cool. I highly recommend checking that out if you're in the area.

    In the evening, it was mainly dinner and playing games. I lost Yahtzee, but I'm not always that lucky. I did win that last time, but not this time. I think I’ve only won one time so far.