Travel Diary
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Saturday, Jan 08, 2011
This was my first big day of rest. I slept in for a spell and then did some writing. The afternoon passed quickly and we headed back for a little more Thai food. Yes, yes--ironic to be having so much Thai food in Taipei, but I was hooked at that point.
Being exhausted from doing nothing all day, I opted for a small nap from 10pm to 10:30pm. Then it was clubbing time. We took the MRT down to downtown Taipei and immediately found the club.
Heading inside, we discovered it was quite different from Room 18, but different wasn't bad. We had a nice large booth filled with some friends of friends. Drinks were scattered across the table and a drinking game started to encourage everyone to be well-hydrated.
The music was loud and pulsating. We drank some, danced some, and had a great time overall. At one point, I thought I was going to be ejected for taking video or pictures of the go-go dancers. In actuality, I was just filming the club and dance floor, but it appeared otherwise. Enni stepped in and just said they wanted me to delete the video. No problem. Beat being ejected. I actually do have some of the video still--I meant to delete it, but with it being so dark, and me being pretty eager to get it done, I wasn't able to find the right buttons. The bouncer didn't seem to understand English (all brawn I suppose), so I was finally released again.
About 12am, the action came to a complete halt and the lights came up as the police came in did a calm raid and checked IDs. This lasted about an hour. So things picked back up around 1am. We then partied until about 3:30am and went home.
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