Travel Diary
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Monday, May 27, 2013
Monday (Memorial Day)
The next day was Memorial Day, and Terry and I drove over to Snoqualmie Falls. The falls are pretty impressive although there's not much to do there. Once you take your photographs, you pretty much just leave. We then headed over to a nearby train place. It's hard to tell what it is exactly. A bunch of trains are just lined up on some tracks inside a fence line, and some signs with descriptions are in front. I guess it's a pseudo--museum. Along the path the train signs describe what the trains are like and what they do or at least did. One odd thing was that there are several English typos on the signs. Mainly they just use the wrong form of “its” for the possessive. No, it wasn't the worst thing in the world, yet it is kind of surprising that a professionally printed sign would have such a mistake, not once but at least twice.
(Remember, I dictated this diary. If it has errors, it’s SIRI who is to blame.)
After driving a while, we came across real estate development in a smaller part of Snoqualmie. We checked out one of the places (as I'm always looking for a good investment opportunity). It seemed like a pretty good deal, but they were caveats to it as well. Mainly, that it is just quite a ways away, and it's even a little distance from Seattle. The price is also okay for this time period in the market place, but not great compared to two years ago. It is also a risky investment should renters be hard to find in a timely manner. Hmm...I think I'll pass on this one.
Back at home, we all had dinner, and watched “The Social Network.” It's pretty good movie though it's hard to tell what's fact from what is fiction. (The girls once again asked about the cherry candy. I was planning on bringing them home with me, but figured I’d just leave the box for them as a surprise gift.) We had a few cigars out back, chatted for a while, and then everyone crashed. I slept for a short while, but 4 AM came pretty early.
It always does.
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