Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Time: January 19, 2001
Place: Pleasanton Playhouse
Role: Napthali (Calipso Singer)
Director: Carol Hovey
My Reflections

Go, go, go Joseph. You know what they say...

Now here is a show people like. Honestly, I can't figure out exactly why. The story is pretty simple and barely even there. It's essentially just a medley of musical theatre styles. But with a standing ovation every night, the audiences simply adored the show. And who am I to argue with that.

I knew I wanted to be in the show. My then girlfriend Misty was auditioning and my buddy Terry was trying out as well. Terry hadn't done a show in over 10 years, so I figured it'd be fun to have a small group of friends in the cast. Terry's wife Lesly wasn't able to audition since someone had to be home to watch the baby. Apparently they have laws against leaving infants unattended while performing in a show. Maybe the government is just anti-musical theatre. I dunno. You be the judge.

Well, we auditioned. It was done in groups of five. We entered the studio theatre and patiently awaited our turn. Each auditionee was asked to tell a small funny story about themselves. Since they all knew I could do backflips, I didn't want to use that story again. So I spoke about my coat having a hole in every single pocket. Yeah, I was fresh out of good stories that night.

I couldn't make callbacks since I was out of the country during that time. They had me come back the next night instead and sing some of the Pharoah's songs. I thought it went really well, and the very next day, I was off to Italy.

Italy is quite advanced now, and even the youth hostels have Internet access. I logged on (after switching the browser language to English) and checked the website for Pleasanton Playhouse. I saw the names...Joseph = someone I never heard of; Narrator = someone I never heard of; Pharoah = someone I had indeed heard of...only it wasn't ME! Ack! What a way to ruin a morning in Italy. I was quite perturbed. But after a morning snack and a lot of venting, I recovered and began enjoying my trip again.

Once I returned from Italy, I joined the rehearsals. Er, okay, I slept first, then joined the rehearsals. I needed SOME rest. The days were fun and nothing was too complicated. I suppose memorizing the colors was difficult. I got them down about a week before opening. In the show, I had plenty of time to take pictures and video tape the rehearsing process. Having down time was great.

We partied or had something going on after every show. The ticket sales were outstanding. On closing day, the producers asked if we'd be up for doing the show again a year and a half later. Most agreed to that idea. But at the time, everyone was still in a mist from the great experience. Realistically, I knew that I'd probably be doing something else the next time around. And also, judging from past experiences (42nd Street, Forum, etc), it's really hard to recreate the magic of a first time experience. There's always going to be that "Remember when..." feeling.