Performance Photos of the Past

Beauty and the Beast (Gaston)
A memorable role to be sure. While I didn’t have exactly the same dimensions as the cartoon, several months in the weight room didn’t hurt either. This is a top-3 role.

Singin' in the Rain (Don)
Easily a favorite part. It’s a tremendous amount of work to learn due to the dancing, singing, and acting, but the role of a lifetime. Needless to say, this is a top-3 role.

Carousel (Billy)
A young man with an attitude. Very well then. My final show at the Amador Theatre was among my favorites. This was one for the angels.

The Wizard of Oz (Tin Man)
After portraying the Scarecrow twice, I opted to audition for something entirely different–well, the straw was swapped out for a metal suit (which at first caused many bruises and cuts). I did miss the “Oil can what” line.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Jekyll)
In terms of emotional commitment, this one takes its toll. A beast of a line load as well, yet it’s easily my favorite acting-only experience.

Crazy for You (Bobby)
I can’t remember any show every having this many costume, wig, and facial hair changes in such a short amount of time. I believe I had a dresser every time I left the stage. A top-3 role for sure.

Urinetown (Bobby)
Another character named Bobby? Okay, sign me up. Quite a unique and fantastic show, it’s just the name itself that perhaps deters people from attending. But I can assure you, it’s wonderful.

Wonderful Town (Robert)
Know what else is wonderful? This show! It was my last outdoor performance at Neighborhood Theatre Group, but memorable and rewarding. Would be nice to repeat this role someday.

Ruddigore (Richard)
Know what else is wonderful? This show! It was my last outdoor performance at Neighborhood Theatre Group, but memorable and rewarding. Would be nice to repeat this role someday.

The Hothouse (Lamb)
How often do you get to play a character who is electrocuted. A bit tough to prepare for–outside of getting a few stern shocks as a kid. And a few times while fixing cars. Okay, I suppose there is precedence.

Forum (Pseudolus)
My first role at LPC was a Protean and my final one was Pseudolus. I suppose I learned a lot over the years there. This was my first and final performance with Ken Ross (RIP) on stage as well.

Narnia (Dwarf)
Because how often do you get a be an axe-wielding Dwarf?