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Book Reviews

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Shutter Island
by Dennis LeHane
Published in 2003 (I finished it on August 16, 2010)

Sometimes a book can spoil a movie and likewise, vice-versa. In this case, the movie was pretty much a waste since the ending destroys the suspense of the story. I suppose the book is always the better path, but I'm not so sure. I did sort of want to withhold reading and ending and just watch the full movie, but decided to complete the written story first.

I don't regret watching the movie, for it was fun to watch the characters come to life and to actually "see” the island. However, I must say that Leo was completely miscast as Teddy. Not that he's not a great actor; he just didn't fit the type of character that Teddy needs to be. It's hard to describe, but if you read the book, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

I do recommend it, but only if the movie has not been seen.