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Book Reviews

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Under the Volcano
by Malcolm Lowry
Published in 1947 (I finished it on September 09, 2019)

I bought the novel (as an audiobook) over two years ago. I started numerous times and just never finished. Time would pass. I’d forget where I was. I’d start over.

It is a very interesting novel, and yet also quite dull. And very confusing. Oh. So. Confusing.

Would I recommend it? The prose and descriptive language can be wonderful at times. There are just too many allusions to get lost in. And it has far too much Faulkner-like shifting narratives.

So while I am glad I went through it, I don’t think I would recommend it to others.

One note: it deals with a very afflicted alcoholic as the main character, and the author was suffering with the same issues. The parallels are notable.