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Book Reviews

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All the King's Men
by Robert Penn Warren
Published in 1946 (I finished it on August 22, 2015)

It’s a classic, so obviously, I had to read it.

This was an audiobook experience for me. I enjoy those for travel, for lying outside, and for listening to before bed. Thus, these choices have to be made carefully—since they’re much pricier.

“King’s” is a powerful novel. The writing is outstanding. I may get a printed copy just as a solid reference for unbeatable prose. The story itself is also strong and memorable. I was inclined to replay passages a few times to take them in more fully. Very powerful themes too. Ideas and reflections that make you just pause and think, “Wow. That’s so insightful and true.”

RPW was a genius writer.

For reference, the narrator I heard was Michael Emerson, who does an expert job with accents and dialogue. The audiobook is worth the money.